
主演:詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones/保罗·索维诺 Paul Sorvino/劳尔·朱力亚 Raul Julia

导演:埃德温·谢林 编剧:威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare



李尔王主演:詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones/保罗·索维诺 Paul Sorvino/劳尔·朱力亚 Raul Julia, 本片为1974年纽约莎士比亚戏剧节的演出实况录像,是该戏剧节的获奖作品。   刚愎自用的老国王李尔年迈体衰,决定把国土分给三个女儿,他要根据女儿们所表达的爱来分配每人所得的一份。他的二个大女儿使用甜言蜜语,骗取了父亲的欢心,而他的小女儿却说了恰如其分的想法。小女儿的言语没有使李尔王满意,他把国土分给了两个大女儿。这时两个大女儿露出了真面目,将父亲赶出了自己的家,善良的小女儿收留了他。多年后,两个大女儿因争风吃醋相继死去,小女儿也被恶人害死,李尔王在忧伤中死去。
King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.


日期 资源名称
2020-02-03 King Lear - JamesEarlJones+RaulJulia
2020-02-03 King Lear (1974 Live Theater) James Earl Jones, Paul So
