小僵尸拉尔斯 第一季ZombieLars Season 1(2017)

又名:Zombie Lars

主演:Leonard Valestrand Eike/Hannah Raanes-Holm/Dat Gia Hoang/Helena F. Ødven/Laila Goody



小僵尸拉尔斯 第一季主演:Leonard Valestrand Eike/Hannah Raanes-Holm/Dat Gia Hoang/Helena F. Ødven/Laila Goody, Lars是11岁的半僵尸,据新法律更正他们被称为“半逝者”。故事讲述了他搬去新家,在新学校和新朋友们发生的一系列冒险故事。他们将一起探索这个墨守成规、充满偏见的社会的真实本质......
ZombieLars is an exciting drama comedy series for kids 8-12. Lars is eleven years old and a half zombie, or "living unliving" as the politically correct term goes. In his new hometown, Lars's kind are rare and frowned upon. But, he soon discovers others who are different too: a ninja, a witch, a troll and a changeling, to mention some. Together, they explore their true nature in a conformist and deeply prejudiced society. Will Lars' half dead heart start beating for someone special?

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