无主之地:一部台湾电影Terra Nullius or: How to Be a Nationalist(2015)

又名:Terra Nullius or: How to Be A Nationalist





是关于东海上「钓鱼」岛/台,或也称作「尖阁诸岛」的主权之争的一部台湾电影。西方评论往往将此纷争视为单纯的资源之战,因其海底下蕴藏着丰富的天然气与石油资源;但对许多人而言,这却是一场长久以来民族与文化冲突下的历史恩怨。而美国对日本及台湾在国际政治上无形的影响力,也一直左右着这场纷争的发展。我试图以一位台裔美国公民的身份,来呈现并理 解台、日、中三地对此无主之地(Terra Nullius)多年来难解的历史情仇与政治角力。
Even uninhabited archipelagos may be subject to drawn out territorial disputes if they are rich in oil deposits. However, the filmmaker is more concerned with how ownership issues reverberate amongst nationalists in competing countries rather than in the history of the dispute or its resolution, making it possible to present the patriotic pathos-soaked ceremonies of the Japanese, the efforts of Chinese authorities to complicate diversionary activities, and the expressive protests and bizarre rituals of Taiwanese activists. The desire to understand the situation leads the director to participate in several futile attempts to land on the islands. Although he finds himself on the frontline during an escalation in the conflict, he is able to maintain his distance as an impartial observer.


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