男神与女神的罗曼史Les amours d'Astrée et de Céladon(2007)

又名:牧羊人之恋(港) / 爱情誓言(台) / 男神女神的浪漫史 / 阿斯特蕾和瑟拉多的爱情 / Romance of Astrea and Celadon

主演:安迪·吉雷 Andy Gillet/斯蒂芬妮·克雷恩考尔 Stéphanie Crayencour/塞西尔·卡塞尔 Cécile Cassel/Véronique Reymond/Rosette/若塞林·奎夫林 Jocelyn Quivrin/Mathilde Mosnier/罗多尔·保利 Rodolphe Pauly/瑟奇·伦科 Serge Renko/亚瑟·杜彭 Arthur Dupont/Priscilla Galland/Olivier Blond/Alexandre Everest/Fanny Vambacas/Caroline Blotière/阿兰·利博 Alain Libolt/玛丽·里维埃 Marie Rivière

导演:埃里克·侯麦 编剧:Honoré d'Urfé/埃里克·侯麦 Eric Rohmer



男神与女神的罗曼史主演:安迪·吉雷 Andy Gillet/斯蒂芬妮·克雷恩考尔 Stéphanie Crayencour/塞西尔·卡塞尔 Cécile Cassel/Véronique Reymond/Rosette/若塞林·奎夫林 Jocelyn Quivrin/Mathilde Mosnier/罗多尔·保利 Rodolphe Pauly/瑟奇·伦科 Serge Renko/亚瑟·杜彭 Arthur Dupont/Priscilla Galland/Olivier Blond/Alexandre Everest/Fanny Vambacas/Caroline Blotière/阿兰·利博 Alain Libolt/玛丽·里维埃 Marie Rivière, 故事发生在遥远的古代,名叫瑟拉多(安迪·吉雷 Andy Gillet 饰)的牧羊人和名叫阿斯特蕾(斯蒂芬妮·克雷恩考尔 Stéphanie Crayencour 饰)的牧羊女相爱了,两人的爱情炙热而真诚,他们都视彼此为今生的唯一。不幸的是,由于听信了谣言,阿斯特蕾误以为瑟拉多另有新欢。伤心欲绝的阿斯特蕾发誓再也不愿见到瑟拉多。   失去了阿斯特蕾的瑟拉多悲痛万分,只想匆匆了却此生,没想到,企图投河自尽的他被仙女救起。求死不成,瑟拉多重新感受到了自己对于阿斯特蕾的爱意,可是永不相见的誓言已经许下,面对这铁一般的桎梏,瑟拉多能够重新见到阿斯特蕾吗?又将有多少艰难险阻在道路上等待着他呢?
In an enchanted forest, back in the time of the Druids, the shepherd Céladon and the shepherdess Astrée share a pure and chaste love. Fooled by a suitor, Astrée dismisses Céladon, who throws himself into a river out of despair. She thinks he's dead, but he's been secretly rescued by some nymphs. Faithful to the promise he made to Astrée to never appear before her again, Céladon must overcome many obstacles to break the curse. Mad with love and despair, coveted by the nymphs, surrounded by rivals, and obliged to disguise himself as a woman to be near the one he loves, will he manage to make himself known without breaking his oath? A romance filled with doubt, hazards, and delicious temptations.

