战斗人2:叛狱战将(台)The Circuit 2: The Final Punch(2002)

主演:Olivier Gruner/Jalal Merhi

导演:Jalal Merhi 编剧:Glen G. Doyle



战斗人2:叛狱战将(台)主演:Olivier Gruner/Jalal Merhi, 前武术冠军德克隆斯俊转任成为大学的体育教师,在他正准备向记者女友妮可求婚之时,妮可却遭人以暴力袭击并加以性侵害,因而陷入昏迷中,愤恨不已的德克在寻求警方协助未果的情况下,决定自己展开调查经由妮可所留下的调查纪录中,赫然发现了监狱设置了非法组织斗阵伹乐部,利用犯人相互斗殴,诱使人们下注以赚取暴利,德克决定只身深入虎穴,接穿这个惊人的内幕...。
Prisoners are dying at the Ogden Correctional Institution, a prison where a corrupt Warden has taken justice and business into his own hands. In the bowels of this prison, an underground fighting society has been formed. The Circuit is flourishing until investigative reporter Nicole Kent is thrown into the mix, and into Pike's cell where she is viciously attacked and left for dead. Enter Dirk Longstreet. Dirk, who was once a fighting champion on the Eastern seaboard circuit, now has to sit idly by as his girlfriend fights for her life. Dirk decides to fight for revenge.


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