
又名:Dream Team


导演:唐丹 编剧:谢晓东/周展



梦之队主演:刘磊/翟克寒/王译, 活跃在篮球赛场上的运动娇子韩建设,在一次篮球比赛中不幸腿部受伤,终成残废。退役后,他来到一个穷乡僻壤的小山村,当了一名体育代课老师.昔日在篮球运动队中的辉煌,并没有给他新的生活带来幸运,反而屡屡受挫,一度陷入了人生的低谷。   然而,凭着他对篮球运动的执着和对孩子们的热爱,他终于找回了自信和希望。他身残志坚,言传身教,使一群天性纯良却又近乎顽劣的山村小学生,经历了《梦之队》的磨练,最终登上了冠军的宝座,获得了整队参观北京2008奥运的殊荣,实现了孩提的梦想。
Han Jianshe, a successful basketball player, has his leg injured in a match, forcing him to retire and start working as a coach at a rural primary school. Han is frustrated without the joy and excitement of his previous life and seeks fulfillment in his teaching career. With one handicapped leg and without any teaching experience but belief in basketball and devotion to his students, he finally gains understanding and support from the school principal and the children's parents, waking his ambition to lead the children to play in a national-level basketball match organized by the sports bureau, even though the schoolchildren have never been outside of their village. The Dream, Team spares no efforts with firm faith to try and ultimately win the tournament and obtain the grand prize- tickets to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.


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