伊万是报业大亨的独生子,但是他并不想追随父亲的脚步,而是想进入赌博业。他来到拉斯维加斯开了一个赌博俱乐部以迎合特定人的需要。瑞秋原本只是一个普通人,职业是在殡仪馆里为死人化妆。但是,被诱拐后,瑞秋的生活将永远的改变,她陷入了赌博俱乐部设下的困境之中…… Rachel's life will never be the same: after being abducted, and forced into the world of high stakes betting, Rachel must decide to play, or be played. Could you inflict pain on another in order to survive? From director Craig McMahon (Machined) comes a look into the gentlemen's club SportKill...