我如伊卡洛斯I... comme Icare(1979)

又名:I as In Icarus

主演:伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand/米歇尔·阿尔贝蒂尼 Michel Albertini

导演:Henri Verneuil亨利·维尼尔 编剧:亨利·韦纳伊 Henri Verneuil



我如伊卡洛斯主演:伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand/米歇尔·阿尔贝蒂尼 Michel Albertini, 在最近重新当选的一个虚构国家的总统被暗杀后,调查委员会的一名成员拒绝签署最终报告,并被赋予了再次调查的任务。在他的搜寻过程中,他找到了对委员会的“孤独枪手”理论产生严重怀疑的证据。这是一部非常大胆的电影,基本上讲述的是“肯尼迪”的故事,而不是在美国发生的。
After the recently re-elected President of a fictitious state has been assassinated, one of the members of the investigation committee refuses to sign the final report and is given the task of investigating once more. In the course of his search he finds evidence that casts serious doubt on the committee's "lone-gunman" theory... A very bold film that basically told the "JFK" story thinly disguised as having taken place not in the US.

