绅士的绅士A Gentleman's Gentleman(1941)


主演:华特·迪士尼 Walt Disney/李·米勒 Lee Millar




绅士的绅士主演:华特·迪士尼 Walt Disney/李·米勒 Lee Millar, 又是一个崭新的早晨,温馨的小屋内,身着睡衣的米奇刚刚从睡梦中苏醒。他睡眼惺忪,伸了个懒腰,这时忠实愚直的大狗便将准备好的早餐端了过来。米奇真像一个贵族似的,他慵懒地坐在床上,享受布鲁托的服务。品尝美食的时候,他不忘交给布鲁托别的任务,那就是拿着硬币去买一份当天的报纸。布鲁托坚决执行,他用鼻子顶着硬币,趾高气昂走在大马路上,期间不忘玩些小的杂耍。可惜他的表演失败了,硬币掉进地沟里,他试了又试,都没有成功,一度为此大哭。   当然,布鲁托也是一条聪明的狗狗,他想出了拿回硬币的办法,竭尽全力完成主人的指示……
Mickey Mouse lies in bed like a lord, getting served breakfast by man's (and mouse's?) best friend Pluto as gentleman's gentleman. Next duty is to fetch the paper, but also pay for it with a coin for the vending machine, and those round things have a nasty habit of escaping a dog's teeth and bouncing over the pavement till they end up in the gutter. After enough attempts to fish and spend the penny, Pluto has a newspaper to carry the same way. The wind has a nasty way to get a better grip on page after page then the dog, so by the time he delivers the daily dose of printed news it's an embarrassingly muddy mess...


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