
又名:My Dear Friend

主演:陆叔远 Suk Yuen Luk/苏子情/陆浩全/江洪 Hong Jiang/陈杰/李相炫 Xiangxuan Li

导演:杨平道 编剧:杨平道 Pingdao Yang

上映日期:2019-11-01(中国大陆) / 2018-10-15(平遥国际电影展)片长:106M


好友主演:陆叔远 Suk Yuen Luk/苏子情/陆浩全/江洪 Hong Jiang/陈杰/李相炫 Xiangxuan Li, 寻找男友的菁菁来到他家乡,却意外掺和了两个老头寻找身世的奇幻旅程,揭开了一段60年来无从言说的情感。老头水木和妻子阿芳留守在村庄生活,水木有一个不为人知的好友仲生。仲生是深山上小水库的管理员。阿芳看似不知道仲生的存在,但因缘际会,命运交错,三个人有着不能明言的关系。仲生感知大限将至,却不知身后将栖身何处。水木决定顺仲生的意愿送他“回家”。水木恳求菁菁开车送他们一程。一路上,他们遇见了自己的童年和青年,故去的母亲还有年幼的阿芳,像是重走人生路。
In southern China, a nervous city woman in a sexy outfit appears in a remote rural village. She comes to her ex-boyfriend's grandparents' house to find him. Despite her loud, rude behavior, the locals hardly respond. Although she can't find her boyfriend, she finds out the secret friendship his grandfather has kept for 60 years. A secret friend who has lived a long time with a language disability. Losing his memory and feeling death is near, he asks his lifelong friend for funeral supplies. Though it is his debut film, through the appearance of a city woman, the director restores the depth of feeling and memory modern Chinese society - changing at a faster pace than people can accept - can't remember rather than shows the cultural conflicts between urban life and the traditional lifestyle. Partially funded by BIFF ACF Post-Production Fund in 2018, this movie confirms the excitement of Chinese independent films and restores the composite images of life thrown away for fun in commercial films, reflecting the basic value of independent films.


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