永远的亚马逊Amazon Forever(2004)

主演:奥雷利昂·维依科 Aurélien Wiik

导演:简-皮埃尔·狄迪伊乐 编剧:简-皮埃尔·狄迪伊乐 Jean-Pierre Dutilleux



永远的亚马逊主演:奥雷利昂·维依科 Aurélien Wiik, 尼古拉斯是一位年轻的电影摄影师,他在邻近亚马孙河的一个印第安村庄,拍摄关于古老部族仪式的一个纪录片,在这里他爱上了酋长的女儿,同时也越来越喜欢这边的原始日常生活,并更深入了解他们古老的地方风俗,然而,他发现这里的森林滥伐日趋严重……
Nicholas is a young cinematographer, shooting a documentary about the ancient tribal ritual in an Indian village near the Amazon, where he fell in love with the daughter of a chief, at the same time more and more like the side of the original daily life, and a more in-depth understanding of their ancient customs, however, he found where deforestation has become increasingly serious.

