椅子主演:Nika Tavadze/Nineli Chankvetadze/Natalia Jugeli,前难民事务部部长吉尔奥吉选举失败后变得一无所有,这时候,一把椅子仿佛有了魔力,为这位无家可归的前部长出谋划策,但结果似乎并不如人意…… 影片以轻松调侃的视角走进格鲁吉亚的沉浮官场,幽默情节与场景设计之下充满着对官僚僵化制度的鞭挞,拟人化的椅子增添了故事的荒诞感。 After the defeat in elections, Refugees Eviction Minister, Giorgi Mchedlishvili, loses everything that is dear to him: the office, the car, the source of income and most importantly - power. Giorgi's chair, which is a live being, motivates former Minister to take actions, but these efforts do not bring the desired result.