工具箱杀手Toolbox Murders(2004)

主演:安吉拉·贝蒂斯 Angela Bettis/Brent Roam/Marco Rodríguez/兰斯·霍华德 Rance Howard

导演:托比·霍珀 编剧:Adam Gierasch/Jace Anderson



工具箱杀手主演:安吉拉·贝蒂斯 Angela Bettis/Brent Roam/Marco Rodríguez/兰斯·霍华德 Rance Howard, 好莱坞一幢名为鲁斯曼·阿姆斯的公寓,聚集着来自全国各地寻求发展的男女。他们有的从此一跃成名,步入坦途;有的遭受挫折,打包回家;有的干脆失踪,杳无音讯。女教师奈儿(安吉拉·贝蒂斯 Angela Bettis 饰)和丈夫史蒂文·巴罗斯(布兰特·鲁姆 Brent Roam 饰)因工作需要,成为这里新的住户。公寓年代久远,很多地方早已破败不堪,巴罗斯夫妇搬来时管理员正对公寓进行翻修。   史蒂文白天在医院工作,奈儿则留在家中收拾房间。她时常能够听到一些奇怪的声响,继而又听到一些关于这幢公寓的古老传说,这些都令奈儿感到不安。与此同时,公寓内接连有人失踪,血淋淋的尸块遍满大楼……
In Hollywood, the young teacher Nell and her husband, the resident Steven Barrows, move to an old building called Lusman Arms. Some sixty years ago, the place was glamorous, but presently is completely decadent. Many dwellers have disappeared along the years. While her husband is working in the hospital, the lonely Nell hears some weird noises and becomes afraid of the place. While jogging, she is introduced to (and becomes close to) her neighbor Julia Cunningham, and they schedule a hike together on the next day. Julia never shows up, and Nell looks for her in the building, finding a hiding block behind the wall, where an evil being, which was born from death, lives with many dead bodies.

