
又名:Amemasu no kawa / River of First Love

主演:玉木宏 Hiroshi Tamaki/绫濑遥 Haruka Ayase/须贺健太 Kenta Suga/志田未来 Mirai Shida/中谷美纪 Miki Nakatani/阿部宽 Hiroshi Abe/松冈俊介 Shunsuke Matsuoka/伊藤步 Ayumi Ito/星由里子 Yuriko Hoshi/柄本明 Akira Emoto

导演:矶村一路 编剧:矶村一路 Itsumichi Isomura/小林弘利 Hirotoshi Kobayashi



雨鳟之河主演:玉木宏 Hiroshi Tamaki/绫濑遥 Haruka Ayase/须贺健太 Kenta Suga/志田未来 Mirai Shida/中谷美纪 Miki Nakatani/阿部宽 Hiroshi Abe/松冈俊介 Shunsuke Matsuoka/伊藤步 Ayumi Ito/星由里子 Yuriko Hoshi/柄本明 Akira Emoto, 虽然,我们不曾用语言沟通,但,这许多年,我都确信,只有你,才真正知道我想要的是什么,长大后,你越来越沉默了,跟妈妈的死有关吧,我一直想说,还有我,你并不孤单,却无法开口,我能做的只有陪在你身边。   你说你要去东京,我答应了,因为我知道,的确那里才是你该去的地方,心里却止不住的难过。   与你一起,无论天涯海角,我都无怨无悔,该感谢的人是我,但,父亲大人,无论如何请您谅解,若不能与心平一起,我的人生将毫无意义……
8-year old boy, Shinpei, who loves fishing and painting, lives with his beautiful mother, surrounded by nature. His mother, Satsuki, has a weak constitution and lost her husband years ago. She takes care of her son lovingly but sometimes strictly, on her own. Shinpei's childhood sweetheart, Sayuri, is deaf, but somehow they can understand each other and they always spend time together. One day, big news comes to their town: Shinpei's picture received the Grand Prize in a Children's Pictures Exhibition in Paris. On the night that Sayuri's father, Takakura, holds a celebration party for Shinpei, Satsuki leaves her son in Takakura's care and goes out of the house. Feeling uneasy, Shimpei goes to look for her but finds his mother dead, lying calmly and peacefully in the beautiful, white snow...Fast forward to the future, Shinpei has been offered a fake job in Tokyo. Sayuri's father arranged everything so that Shinpei would not interfere with Sayuri's marriage.

