乔纳森·阿加西拯救我的生命יונתן אגסי הציל את חיי(2018)

又名:Jonathan Agassi Saved My Life / Yonatan Agassi hetzil et kha'yai / 拯救生命的钙星(台)

主演:Jonathan Agassi

导演:托默·贺曼 编剧:托默·贺曼 Tomer Heymann

上映日期:2018-07-31(耶路撒冷电影节) / 2018-08-30(以色列)片长:106M


乔纳森·阿加西拯救我的生命主演:Jonathan Agassi, 同志紀錄片大師托默賀曼Tomer Heymann跟拍當紅G片明星及伴遊Jonathan Agassi八年力   作!即使因為國籍、宗教的關係而被認為是禁忌的工作,Jonathan仍成功地建立名聲,而且還擁   有全球數百萬的粉絲。本片將一窺G片以及伴遊世界,甚至是G片明星與母子之間的獨特關係,   同時也觸及G片明星尋求愛情和人生意義。
Jonathan Agassi, one of the world's most successful gay porn stars, splits his time between Berlin and Israel. Agassi built his fame and success on what is considered a global taboo, but in fact pleases millions. A rare and intimate look at the world of porn and escorting, as well as on a unique relationship between a mother and son, who courageously redefine familiar family concepts. This is a film about a lonely person who seeks love and meaning, but is condemned to a destructive lifestyle, understanding that the extreme fantasies he chases are not necessarily his own.

