暂时困难Временные трудности(2018)

又名:Temporary Difficulties

主演:林奈·穆罕默托夫 Rinal Mukhametov/伊万·阿赫洛贝斯金 Ivan Okhlobystin/伊莉娜·佩戈娃 Irina Pegova

导演:Mikhail Raskhodnikov 编剧:伊凡·卡普托诺夫 Ivan Kapitonov/Nikolay Kovbas/Georgiy Malkov/Mikhail Raskhodnikov



暂时困难主演:林奈·穆罕默托夫 Rinal Mukhametov/伊万·阿赫洛贝斯金 Ivan Okhlobystin/伊莉娜·佩戈娃 Irina Pegova, 萨沙(林奈·穆罕默托夫 Rinal Mukhametov 饰)拥有先天性障碍,可是他的父亲(伊万·奥克洛布斯汀 Ivan Okhlobystin 饰)却拒绝承认自己的儿子和其他人有什么不一样,坚持使用正常人的教育方式来抚养萨沙。在父亲严苛的要求下,萨沙吃尽了苦头,可与此同时,他亦渐渐的学会了克服身体缺陷的方法。   虽然父亲的教育方式让萨沙收获了成功的人生,但萨沙的内心却受到了深深的伤害。成年之后,萨沙和父亲断绝了一切的联系,这一晃眼就是15年过去。如今的萨沙是一名大有名气的商业顾问,拯救过无数濒临破产的公司企业,而萨沙渐渐发现,自己正在用父亲曾经对待自己的方式去对待客户。
Sasha Korolev has a congenital disorder. The boy's father has chosen what seemed to him the only correct way to put the son on his feet: to treat him like a healthy person. "You're not a patient, you have temporary difficulties". Eating, getting dressed, going downstairs and walking up the front door steps - every day the child spends hours on such simple household tasks. At school he is mocked by his peers, and there is no help to expect. The boy has coped with the illness, but started hating the father. When he finished school, Sasha left home and stopped all contact with the father. Over the past 15 years he has become the best business consultant in the country, who has helped hundreds of businesses out of crisis. "You have no a crisis, you have temporary difficulties", - Sasha would say to his clients, having gone along a difficult path himself. And one day, a new order unexpectedly gives him the opportunity to settle accounts with the father.


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