
又名:San Yuan Li


导演:欧宁 曹斐 



《三元里》是欧宁、曹斐应邀为第50届威尼斯艺术双年展而创作的实验纪录片。它以缘影会名义制作,采取个人创作与群体协作相结合的制片方式,展开对广州城市化进程和典型城中村三元里的拍摄和研究。《三元里》从三元里这个城中村开始对广州进行切片研究,它以城市漫步者的姿态,探讨历史之债、现代化与岭南宗法聚落文化的冲突与调和、都市村庄的奇异建筑和人文景观,最后形成一部黑白影像诗篇。   《三元里》曾在世界各地放映和参展,并被纽约现代美术馆、广东美术馆以及Uli Sigg、Jean Marc Decrop、Monique Burger、Michael Berger和管毅等收藏家所收藏。   黑白纪录片,40分钟,2003   导演:欧宁/曹斐   拍摄:欧宁、曹斐、缘影会成员   声音:李劲松   制作出品:缘影会(U-theque Organization)
Armed with video cameras, twelve artists present a highly stylized portrait of SAN YUAN LI, a traditional village besieged by China's urban sprawl. China's rapid modernization literally traps the village of San Yuan Li within the surrounding skyscrapers of Guangzhou, a city of 12 million people. The villagers move to a different rhythm, thriving on subsistence farming and traditional crafts. They resourcefully reinvent their traditional lifestyle by tending rice paddies on empty city lots and raising chickens on makeshift rooftop coops. Directed by acclaimed visual artists Ou Ning and Cao Fei and commissioned by the Venice Biennale, SAN YUAN LI explores the modern paradox of China's economic growth and social marginalization.


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