错想错成主演:Juan Manuel Atari,佩德罗是一名广告设计人员,并正面临着才思枯竭的危险。他和拍档正忙于一个感冒药的广告。此时,他的拍档却意外死于一场车祸。必须独自面对这个广告案的佩德罗就想方设法要找出他死前留下的一些创意线索,而事情却并不朝着他希望的方向发展。就在这时,他遇见了一个常在街头徘徊的小男孩,儿童的机灵和天真让他眼前一亮,不少新点子在他脑中迸发出来,佩德罗的生活似乎又有了些许起色…… An advertising creative dies unexpectedly while working on an idea for the launch of an anti-cold pill. From then on Pedro, one of his old colleagues, begins an intricate search in order to discover the departed's idea, taking over his place and making use of his original notes and thoughts. Along the way Pedro comes across an orphan, a street child that will unconsciously and eventually lead him to a new and singular idea.