
又名:Last One Standing

主演:杜淳 Chun Du/刘奕君 Yijun Liu/许龄月 Lingyue Xu/代旭 Xu Dai/宁理 Li Ning/陈雨锶 Yusi Chen

导演:赵天宇 编剧:徐速 Su Xu/王潇涵 Xiaohan Wang


无主之城主演:杜淳 Chun Du/刘奕君 Yijun Liu/许龄月 Lingyue Xu/代旭 Xu Dai/宁理 Li Ning/陈雨锶 Yusi Chen, 罗燃(杜淳 饰)与好友宁羽(代旭 饰)一起追查自己妻子意外死亡的真相。为追踪嫌疑女子江雪(许龄月 饰),两人踏上一辆开往C城的火车。谁知途中火车意外脱轨,百余幸存乘客误入空无一人的废墟之城,与外界彻底失联。城内危机四伏、物资匮乏,幸存者接连不断地死亡或失踪,内忧外患不断挑战着人们的生存极限。一场真实残酷的“生存竞赛" 已悄然开始,阴谋、猜忌、背叛,复杂的人性角力在神秘的空城中惊心上演。
Luo Ran has been investigating the death of his wife with his best friend Ning Yu. They end up getting onto a train headed for C City in order to chase female suspect Jiang Xue. The train suddenly derails mid-journey, and the hundred or so survivors find themselves transported to a ruined city with no living soul in sight, cut off from the rest of the world. The city is filled with dangers on all sides and supplies are dwindling. The survivors start dying off or disappearing one by one-a brutal game of survival begins.


日期 资源名称
2020-12-01 无主之城01-24.全集打包.4k+1080p.hd国语中字无水印.mp4
