两千零无Two Thousand and None(2000)


主演:约翰·特托罗 John Turturro/Oleg Kisseliov/凯瑟琳·博罗维茨 Katherine Borowitz/朱利安·瑞钦斯 Julian Richings/卡尔艾拉切 Carl Alacchi/Pascale Devigne/珍妮·海特梅亚 Jayne Heitmeyer/Vanya Rose/Tony Bentivegna Jr./Maria Bircher/Noel Burton/托尼·卡拉布雷塔 Tony Calabretta/Giovanna Carrubba/Tom Chambers/Sonia Dubé/Robert Higden/亚瑟·霍尔顿 Arthur Holden/丽莎·布朗温·摩尔 Lisa Bronwyn Moore/Arto Paragamian

导演:阿尔托·帕拉加米安 编剧:Arto Paragamian



两千零无主演:约翰·特托罗 John Turturro/Oleg Kisseliov/凯瑟琳·博罗维茨 Katherine Borowitz/朱利安·瑞钦斯 Julian Richings/卡尔艾拉切 Carl Alacchi/Pascale Devigne/珍妮·海特梅亚 Jayne Heitmeyer/Vanya Rose/Tony Bentivegna Jr./Maria Bircher/Noel Burton/托尼·卡拉布雷塔 Tony Calabretta/Giovanna Carrubba/Tom Chambers/Sonia Dubé/Robert Higden/亚瑟·霍尔顿 Arthur Holden/丽莎·布朗温·摩尔 Lisa Bronwyn Moore/Arto Paragamian, 一个人一旦发现自己的生命即将结束,就会发觉对生活有了新的认识。 Benjamin Kasparian是亚美尼亚血统的古生物学家,刚刚与他的妻子阿曼达分手。在试图重新适应单身生活的同时,本杰明去看医生并被告知患有一种名为Talbot综合症的不寻常的脑部疾病,并且他的生命只剩下五周。起初本杰明对他的命运持哲学态度,并决定尽可能多地享受自己离开的时间。对于阿曼达,他最好的朋友,老板和新女友,他们都觉得他应该更认真地对待此事。by:m.yakubd.cc
A man finds himself developing a new perspective on life once he finds out it's almost over. Benjamin Kasparian is a paleontologist of Armenian descent who has just split up with his wife Amanda. While trying to readjust to single life, Benjamin visits the doctor and is informed he's suffering from an unusual brain disease called Talbot's Syndrome, and he's not likely to live longer than five weeks. Benjamin is initially philosophical about his fate and decides to enjoy himself as much as he can in the time he has left - much to the disgust of Amanda, his best friend, his boss, and his new girlfriend, all of whom believe he should be taking the matter more seriously.


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