摩斯探长:耶利哥命案Inspector Morse: The Dead Of Jericho(1987)

又名:摩斯探长第一季:E01杰里科谋杀案 / 耶利哥命案

主演:约翰·肖 John Thaw/凯文·沃特利 Kevin Whately/杰玛·琼斯 Gemma Jones

导演:阿拉斯泰尔·里德 编剧:安东尼·明格拉 Anthony Minghella/柯林·德克斯特 Colin Dexter



摩斯探长:耶利哥命案主演:约翰·肖 John Thaw/凯文·沃特利 Kevin Whately/杰玛·琼斯 Gemma Jones, 简单说就是,摩斯探长在唱诗班认识了一个妇女,他们互相有好感,这个妇女被谋杀了,摩斯来调查她的死因。   比较文艺的说法是 ------ 忧郁美丽的女钢琴教师深深吸引着特立独行的摩斯,却没料想她身边早有意中人。某一日,钢琴教师自缢身亡,背后错综复杂的情感纠葛与往事随之浮出水面。到底是俄狄浦斯式的悲剧故事,还是更令人咋舌的隐情。摩斯探长抽丝剥茧,探及真相,独自带着满腹遗憾继续与酒精作伴。(菠萝的说法)
Morse is taken aback by the apparent suicide of Anne Staveley. Morse knew her well as they were members of the same choir and he was quite attracted to her. On the evening of the choir's public performance, Morse stops by her house to collect her but finds her front door open and no one at home. On his way home after the performance he sees several police vehicles outside her house and it appears Anne has hung herself. When her nosy neighbour is also killed, Morse is convinced that Anne was murdered.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 MORSE.1987.S01E01.The Dead Of Jericho.(Döden i Jericho)
