
又名:Wangdrak's Rain Boots

主演:周拉多杰/金巴 Jinpa/才多 Tsemdo/东主才郎 Dundrup Tsering

导演:拉华加 编剧:拉华加 Lhapal Gyal

上映日期:2020-08-07(中国大陆) / 2018-02-21(柏林电影节)片长:90M


旺扎的雨靴主演:周拉多杰/金巴 Jinpa/才多 Tsemdo/东主才郎 Dundrup Tsering, 入围第68届柏林国际电影节新生代竞赛单元。该片由北京电影学毕业生拉华加担任编剧、导演,著名导演万玛才旦担任监制,著名摄影师吕松野担任摄影,青影厂陈中国和文学系孟中担任制片人。   改编自才朗东主同名短篇小说,讲述了生活在藏地农区的小男孩旺扎一直想拥有一双漂亮的雨靴。然而,等他拥有了一双雨靴之后,却一直没有下雨。他盼望下一场大雨从而能够在雨天穿上这双雨靴……
After heavy rains, puddles and mud cover the streets of the Tibetan mountain village. It's good for the crops, but bad for young Wangdrak, the only boy in the village without rubber boots. While his father is busy with other worries, Wangdrak's mother fulfills her son's wish. But new shoes bring new problems. For Wangdrak, a battle against the blue sky and for the rain begins, fought alongside his loyal friend Lhamo. Nestled in the inimitable mountain landscape, director Lhapal Gyal uses vivid imagery to show us a culture steeped in ancient traditions, paying special attention to the young protagonist's dreams.

