抗拒:柳宽顺的故事항거: 유관순 이야기(2019)

又名:Resistance: The Yoo Kwan-soon Story / 韓幗起義(港) / A Resistance

主演:高雅星 Ah-sung Ko/金玺碧 Sae-byuk Kim/金艺恩 Ye-eun Kim/丁夏潭 Ha-dam Jeong/柳京洙 Ryoo Kyung-soo/金南珍 Kim Nam-jin/李英锡 Yeong-seok Lee/崔武成 Moo-seong Choi/金妍贞 Yeon-jung Kim/朴贊佑 Chan-woo Park

导演:赵民镐 编剧:赵民镐 Min-ho Cho



抗拒:柳宽顺的故事主演:高雅星 Ah-sung Ko/金玺碧 Sae-byuk Kim/金艺恩 Ye-eun Kim/丁夏潭 Ha-dam Jeong/柳京洙 Ryoo Kyung-soo/金南珍 Kim Nam-jin/李英锡 Yeong-seok Lee/崔武成 Moo-seong Choi/金妍贞 Yeon-jung Kim/朴贊佑 Chan-woo Park, 「革命無分性別、年齡與時代!電影取材自真實韓國獨立運動,以年輕革命女義士柳寬順為原型,見證一段鮮為人知的歷史。日佔時期,韓國爆發三一運動,十七歲少女上街帶領逾二百萬韓國民眾抗爭,卻被捕囚禁在女子地下監獄,受盡百般凌辱。她非但沒有噤若寒蟬,反而挺身感召其他囚犯打破沉默,從自我覺醒走向集體覺醒,在獄中共同高呼「大韓獨立萬歲」的口號。黑白鏡頭下的獄中景象格外銳利,眾人以堅毅的眼神明志:監獄的高牆囚得住肉體,卻困不住自由的靈魂。高我星從《韓流怪嚇》嶄露頭角,到《末世列車》已成氣候,是次飾演烈女同樣鏗鏘有力。在最壞的時代,讓我們為這位巾幗英雄及所有因抗爭犧牲的義士獻一闋輓歌。
Since the Japanese occupation, Koreans fought for independence at home and abroad. Started on March 1, 1919, the national protest held at least 2 months. It was called the-March 1st Movement. \"Long Live Korean Independence. Hurrah!\"sounds came from the prisoners, and the sound soon influences surrounding Koreans. Everyone has inspired by the sound. They praised their country and waved the country flag around the street. Yu Gwan-Sun was a young girl student. She stirred her town to procession after the return from the capital. Her parents and most villagers got stabbed in the procession. She feels guilty to the dead people. She realized to protest, to against for freedom is her responsibility. It is not only for all Koreans but for FREEDOM.

