丹麦之子Danmarks sønner(2019)

又名:Sons of Denmark / 扎卡里亚的抉择

主演:拉斯马斯·伯格 Rasmus Bjerg/埃利奥特·克罗赛特·霍夫 Elliott Crosset Hove/Imad Abul-Foul/Ari Alexander/Ivan Alan Ali/Asil Mohamad Habib/Morten Holst/Ali Hussein/Olaf Johannessen/Mohammed Ismail Mohammed/Özlem Saglanmak/Zaki Youssef

导演:乌拉·沙林 编剧:乌拉·沙林 Ulaa Salim

上映日期:2019-01-24(鹿特丹电影节) / 2019-04-11(丹麦)片长:120M


丹麦之子主演:拉斯马斯·伯格 Rasmus Bjerg/埃利奥特·克罗赛特·霍夫 Elliott Crosset Hove/Imad Abul-Foul/Ari Alexander/Ivan Alan Ali/Asil Mohamad Habib/Morten Holst/Ali Hussein/Olaf Johannessen/Mohammed Ismail Mohammed/Özlem Saglanmak/Zaki Youssef, 2025年,也就是哥本哈根遭遇重大炸弹袭击的一年后,丹麦全国各地的激进化运动加剧,种族关系高度紧张。下一届议会选举即将来临,而极端民族主义政治领袖马丁·诺达尔具有压倒性的优势。19岁的扎卡里亚参与了一个激进组织,在那里他认识了阿里。两个小伙子看不惯愈发排斥移民的社会现状,于是决定采取行动。然而,他们都只是掌权者手中的工具。在二人努力影响时局的过程中,他们的兄弟情谊会受到考验,而他们的行动也将波及他们的人生。
One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen radicalisation around the country has intensified and ethnic tensions are running high. The next parliamentary election is near, and the extremely nationalist politicial leader Martin Nordahl is set for a landslide victory. 19-year old Zakaria gets involved in a radical organisation, where he forms a bond with Ali. The two men cannot agree with the current state of the country, which is turning on its own citizens because of their migration background, and decide to act. However, they are both just tools in the hands of people with power. As the men try to make their mark, their brotherhood will be tested and their actions will have grave consequences on their lives.

