警视厅搜查一课长主演:内藤剛志/斉藤由貴/金田明夫/鈴木裕樹/矢野浩二/本田博太郎/床嶋佳子,本片讲述了警视厅的明星部署搜查一课 的一课长出现场、指挥搜查本部、制定搜查方针、亲身参与搜查…顶住烦恼和压力 率400多精锐 突破重重迷雾抓住了一个又一个真凶的故事 The title character, Junichi Oiwa, leads the most coveted section of Tokyo MPD as the head of over 400 elite detectives. He is present at all serious crime scenes, spearheading multiple investigation teams simultaneously by giving strategies to each team as well as conducting an investigation himself. He works under excessive mental pressure and in a physically demanding situation due to the sleepless megalopolis. He is a superhero, but what makes him unique is his down-to-earth style. He has worked his way up from scratch, zero, to the hero loved and respected by his colleagues.