
又名:格林笔记 The Animation / Grimms Notes The Animation / Grimms Notes

主演:逢坂良太 Ryota Ohsaka/上田丽奈 Reina Ueda/久保田未梦 Miyu Kubota/江口拓也 Takuya Eguchi

导演:菅原静贵 编剧:山口宏 Hiroshi Yamaguchi


格林笔记主演:逢坂良太 Ryota Ohsaka/上田丽奈 Reina Ueda/久保田未梦 Miyu Kubota/江口拓也 Takuya Eguchi, 故事发生在一个虚构的奇幻世界中,在这个世界里,每个人一出生起即拥有一本生命之书,所有人的一生,都会顺应着书中所写的脚本按部就班的发展下去。埃克斯(逢坂良太 配音)是其中的异类,因为他的生命之书竟然是空白的。为了寻找自己命运的线索,埃克斯踏上了旅途。   身世神秘的调音巫女蕾娜(上田丽奈 配音)、好爽奔放的强壮青年塔奥(江口拓也 配音)、我行我素不拘小节的少女诗音(久保田未梦 配音),一路上,埃克斯遇到了很多拥有异常生命之书的旅伴们,在结伴而行的过程中结下了深厚的友谊。
The game takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a "book of fate" where all their lives are written in advance. However, rogue Story Tellers known as Chaos Tellers are writing bad events into people's books without them knowing. It is up to the holders of blank books of fate to seek out the Chaos Tellers and restore the world.


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