圈套:自由梦想怎么了The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom(2007)


主演:Robert Kavesh/弗雷德里希·冯·哈耶克 Friedrich von Hayek/Philip Mirowski/Alain Enthoven/约翰·纳什 John Nash/R.D. Laing/Morton Schatzman/克兰西·西加尔 Clancy Sigal/Thomas Schelling/James M. Buchanan/Madsen Pirie/安东尼·杰依 Antony Jay/David Rosenhan/Paul McHugh/Robert Spitzer/Jerome Wakefield/Tom Peters/Robert Rubin/罗伯特·赖克 Robert Reich/Thomas Frank/John Maynard Smith/理查德·道金斯 Richard Dawkins/Marc Summers/史蒂夫·拜尔斯 Steve Byers/James Strachan/Arthur Levitt/Itzhaz Sharav/凯文·菲利普斯 Kevin Phillips/Brian Ferguson/以赛亚·伯林 Isaiah Berlin/肯内特·克拉克 Kenneth Clark/Malcolm Muggeridge/Stuart Hall/让-保罗·萨特 Jean-Paul Sartre/Jim Howard/Michael Ledeen/亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig/Elliott Abrams/Robert Parry/Francis Fukuyama/Jeffrey Sachs/Yevgeny Kiselyov/托尼·布莱尔 Tony Blair/詹姆斯·戈登·布朗 Gordon Brown/比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton/亨利·基辛格 Henry Kissinger/Ferdinand Marcos/奥古斯托·皮诺切特 Augusto Pinochet/波尔布特 Pol Pot/弗拉基米尔·普京 Vladimir Putin/罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan/玛格丽特·撒切尔 Margaret Thatcher/鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦 Boris Yeltsin/亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis

导演:亚当·柯蒂斯 编剧:亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis


圈套:自由梦想怎么了主演:Robert Kavesh/弗雷德里希·冯·哈耶克 Friedrich von Hayek/Philip Mirowski/Alain Enthoven/约翰·纳什 John Nash/R.D. Laing/Morton Schatzman/克兰西·西加尔 Clancy Sigal/Thomas Schelling/James M. Buchanan/Madsen Pirie/安东尼·杰依 Antony Jay/David Rosenhan/Paul McHugh/Robert Spitzer/Jerome Wakefield/Tom Peters/Robert Rubin/罗伯特·赖克 Robert Reich/Thomas Frank/John Maynard Smith/理查德·道金斯 Richard Dawkins/Marc Summers/史蒂夫·拜尔斯 Steve Byers/James Strachan/Arthur Levitt/Itzhaz Sharav/凯文·菲利普斯 Kevin Phillips/Brian Ferguson/以赛亚·伯林 Isaiah Berlin/肯内特·克拉克 Kenneth Clark/Malcolm Muggeridge/Stuart Hall/让-保罗·萨特 Jean-Paul Sartre/Jim Howard/Michael Ledeen/亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig/Elliott Abrams/Robert Parry/Francis Fukuyama/Jeffrey Sachs/Yevgeny Kiselyov/托尼·布莱尔 Tony Blair/詹姆斯·戈登·布朗 Gordon Brown/比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton/亨利·基辛格 Henry Kissinger/Ferdinand Marcos/奥古斯托·皮诺切特 Augusto Pinochet/波尔布特 Pol Pot/弗拉基米尔·普京 Vladimir Putin/罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan/玛格丽特·撒切尔 Margaret Thatcher/鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦 Boris Yeltsin/亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis,
Individual freedom is the dream of our age. It's what our leaders promise to give us, it defines how we think of ourselves and, repeatedly, we have gone to war to impose freedom around the world. But if you step back and look at what freedom actually means for us today, it's a strange and limited kind of freedom.Politicians promised to liberate us from the old dead hand of bureaucracy, but they have created an evermore controlling system of social management, driven by targets and numbers. Governments committed to freedom of choice have presided over a rise in inequality and a dramatic collapse in social mobility. And abroad, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the attempt to enforce freedom has led to bloody mayhem and the rise of an authoritarian anti-democratic Islamism. This, in turn, has helped inspire terrorist attacks in Britain. In response, the Government has dismantled long-standing laws designed to protect our freedom.The Trap is a series of three films by Bafta-winning producer Adam ...


日期 资源名称
2024-09-16 The.Trap.2007.DVDRip.x264-HANDJOB
2019-06-05 The Trap
