
又名:猴年马月 / The Couple Travel Together

主演:谭卓 Zhuo Tan/赵英俊 Yingjun Zhao/张磊 Lei Zhang/杜天皓 Calvin Tu/巴多 Duo Ba/董立范 Lifan Dong/尹熙水 Xishui Yin/尹嘉萱 Jiaxuan Yin/阿帕尔江 Apaerjiang/草莓 Anastasiya Sedlkova

导演:张力 编剧:王匡敏 Kuangmin Wang/金晓 Xiao Jin/陈星星 Xingxing Chen



侣行攻略之确认你是我的人主演:谭卓 Zhuo Tan/赵英俊 Yingjun Zhao/张磊 Lei Zhang/杜天皓 Calvin Tu/巴多 Duo Ba/董立范 Lifan Dong/尹熙水 Xishui Yin/尹嘉萱 Jiaxuan Yin/阿帕尔江 Apaerjiang/草莓 Anastasiya Sedlkova, 在美丽的鼓浪屿,有一家特别的客栈“猴年马月”,客栈生意虽然冷清,客栈老板胡凡(张磊 饰)仍旧守候于此,他的过去无从得知,就连终日陪伴身边的霸道服务员马月(董立范 饰)也并不知晓,有人猜测他是在等一个人。   2016年6月5日,猴年马月即将到来,心灰意冷的胡凡正在考虑关闭客 栈,却迎来了“一批”奇怪的客人:四对各怀心事的年轻人住进了客栈,闷骚备胎刘子航(杜天皓 饰)与傲娇大妞许小诺(尹嘉萱 饰),高冷编剧李曼璐(谭卓 饰)与一根筋导演申浅(赵英俊 饰),法学结巴秦学法(巴多 饰)与讨债专家马尚煌(尹熙水 饰),光棍屌丝王小志(张磊 饰)与混血太妹莫妮卡(草莓 饰),他们纷纷带着各自不同的目的而来,打破了这家客栈的平静。
In the beautiful Gulangyu Island, there is a special stack house called monkey year. Although the stack business is calm, the stack owner Hu fan (played by Zhang Lei) is still waiting for it. His past is unknown. Even Ma Yue (Dong Lifan), the bully clerk who accompanies him all day, does not know. Some people speculate that he is waiting for someone. On June 5, 2016, the year of the monkey is coming. Depressed Hu fan is thinking about closing the inn, but he has a \"group\" of strange guests: four pairs of young people with different minds have entered the stack, the sultry preparation Liu Zihang (DU Tianhao) and the proud little girl Xu Xiaonuo (Yin Jiaxuan), Gao Leng's screenwriter Li Manlu (Tan Zhuo) and one Jin director Shen Qian (Zhao Yingjun) Law stutters, Qin Xuefa (BA duo) and debt collection expert Ma Shanghuang (Yin Xishui), Wang Laowu cheater loser Wang Xiaozhi (Zhang Lei) and half-blood sister Monica (Anastasiya Sedikova). They all come with different goals .

