隐居者Die Einsiedler(2016)

又名:世外人间(港) / The Eremites

主演:安德烈·鲁斯特 Andreas Lust/Ingrid Burkhard/Orsi Tóth/Hannes Perkmann/Peter Mitterrutzner/Hans Peter Hallwachs/Manfred-Anton Algrang/Brigitte Knapp/Lukas Spisser/Franz Fulterer/Florian Eisner/Christoph Griesser/Georg Kaser/Johan Nikolussi

导演:罗尼·托克 编剧:Ronny Trocker



隐居者主演:安德烈·鲁斯特 Andreas Lust/Ingrid Burkhard/Orsi Tóth/Hannes Perkmann/Peter Mitterrutzner/Hans Peter Hallwachs/Manfred-Anton Algrang/Brigitte Knapp/Lukas Spisser/Franz Fulterer/Florian Eisner/Christoph Griesser/Georg Kaser/Johan Nikolussi, 提名威尼斯电影节地平线单元最佳影片的《隐居者》于10月12日登陆德国院线。这部导演处女作展现了阿尔卑斯高山农场里远离喧嚣城市的生活图景:由于担心儿子因山区的寂寞而崩溃,母亲向儿子阿尔伯特隐瞒其父亲的离世,以防止后者放弃工作并返回农场。然而,当母亲最终请求援助且真相大白时,现已爱上一名匈牙利客籍女工的阿尔伯特必须决定自己未来的生活方式。在科技发展全面决定且飞速改变我们日常的时代,对自然的思念和重返往昔的渴望也随之增长。影片则以完全去浪漫的方式有力地描述了一个濒临消失的世界。(小易甫字幕组)
Albert grew up on an isolated mountain farm. His mother wants to protect his son from the poor and lonesome existence, still pulling the strings in his life. He is a diligent hand at a nearby marble quarry, but life remains difficult when it comes to catch up with real people. When his father Rudl dies accidentally, Marianne fears, that Albert will take over and returns to the farm. Instead, she decides to hide the death from Albert and the outside world and buries his corpse on the mountain.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Die.Einsiedler.2016.1080p.FLI.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-AVRS
2019-05-12 The.Eremites.(2016).720p.GERMAN.WEBRip.x265.BulIT
2019-05-12 die.einsiedler.2016.1080p.mkv
