云层以下Beneath Clouds(2002)

主演:Dannielle Hall/Damian Pitt




云层以下主演:Dannielle Hall/Damian Pitt, 莉娜是一个厌恶了偏远农村生活的年青女孩,她清楚地知道自己的处境,生活很难改变。她有着一半的土著血统,一半的爱尔兰血统。她的弟弟去偷香烟包装盒,她最好的朋友告诉她自己怀孕了。也许是绝望地反抗,她抛下了她母亲,去悉尼寻找从未谋面的爱尔兰父亲。旅程中她遇见了沃恩,一个去往悉尼看望垂死的母亲的黑人逃狱者。两个人在真实的和想象的禁闭中逃离,瞳憬着在大都市中等待着他们的自由。两人结下了友谊,但是相互依然小心谨慎,犹犹豫豫地走向对方的内心。莉娜模糊了她的血统,她的白人面孔使人轻易地以为她是爱尔兰人,而沃恩则必须面对他们旅途中所遇见的种族偏见。
The story of Lena, the light-skinned daughter of an Aboriginal mother and Irish father and Vaughn, a Murri boy doing time in a minimum security prison in North West NSW. Dramatic events throw them together on a journey with no money and no transport. To Lena, Vaughn represents the life she is running away from. To Vaughn, Lena embodies the society that has rejected him. And for a very short amount of time, they experience a rare true happiness together.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 BBC.Skies.Above.Britain.Series.1.3of5.Beneath.The.Cloud
2019-05-11 [ www.torrenting.com ] - Skies.Above.Britain.S01E03.Ben
2019-05-11 [ www.torrenting.com ] - Skies.Above.Britain.S01E03.Ben
2019-05-11 Beneath Clouds (2002)
