气喘吁吁主演:柳沢茂樹/长尾奈奈 Nana Nagao/古屋隆太/木村知貴/齋藤徳一/西村真来/川濑阳太 Yohta Kawase/坂本容志枝/小宮孝泰/寺十吾,『へばの』『愛のゆくえ(仮)』の木村文洋監督の長編第3作『息衝く Resurrection』 Norio, Yamato, and Yoshi have been friends ever since they spent their childhood in the Seed Association, a political sect. Years later, Norio and Yamato are still active supporters of the group, while Yoshi lives as a single mother. Together, they go on a journey that brings them to question their past ideals. Bunyo KIMURA analyzes the fragile condition of a nation shaken by catastrophes and crises.