
又名:女教父 / Gokusen

主演:仲间由纪惠 Yukie Nakama/松本润 Jun Matsumoto/小栗旬 Shun Oguri/成宫宽贵 Hiroki Narimiya/生濑胜久 Katsuhisa Namase/伊东美咲 Misaki Ito/泽村一树 Ikki Sawamura/金子贤 Ken Kaneko/甲本雅裕 Masahiro Kômoto

导演:佐藤东弥 大谷太郎 编剧:江头美智留 Michiru Egashira


极道鲜师主演:仲间由纪惠 Yukie Nakama/松本润 Jun Matsumoto/小栗旬 Shun Oguri/成宫宽贵 Hiroki Narimiya/生濑胜久 Katsuhisa Namase/伊东美咲 Misaki Ito/泽村一树 Ikki Sawamura/金子贤 Ken Kaneko/甲本雅裕 Masahiro Kômoto, 怀抱着对高中教课生活的美好憧憬,新人教师山口久美子(仲间由纪惠 饰)入职创校已有30周年的白金学院高中,却被分派到令人闻风丧胆的放牛班3年D组担任导师。不服管教的问题学生们轮番给久美子下马威,企图吓跑这个毫不起眼的新老师。久美子不以为然,一心想要积极拉近与大家的关系。她从容的应对亦引起了班上核心人物泽田慎(松本润 饰)的注意。原来久美子的真实身份竟是极道帮派的第四代传人!虽然实际的教学生活与自己的期望产生了偏差,每天都有意想不到的麻烦出现,深藏不露的久美子依旧选择了相信自己的学生们,并努力将他们领向正途,达成全体顺利毕业的目标。   本剧根据日本漫画家森本梢子同名作品改编。
Gokusen is the story of recently graduated Kumiko Yamaguchi, aka. Yankumi, and her life as a new high school teacher. Unlike the other new teachers at her school Kumiko gets placed with teh toughest kids there. And has to deal with all their rebellious actions. However as time passes she gains her students respect by helping them out both in school and in their daily lives. Which is easy for her to do as her students remind her of her life at home, since she is a fourth generation crime syndicate member and next in line to head it up. She's gone straight and wants to be a teacher though, but she's one person in whose class you don't want to be caught fooling around!


日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】极道鲜师迅雷下载.2002.2.5gb.torrent
