毒枭的财宝Finding Escobar's Millions(2017)


主演:Douglas Laux, Ben Smith, Paul Bauman | See full cast & crew

导演:未知编剧:Douglas Laux


毒枭的财宝主演:Douglas Laux, Ben Smith, Paul Bauman | See full cast & crew, 巴布羅艾斯科巴曾經是全球最高通緝犯,他將高達500億美元的財產埋在哥倫比亞各個角落,其中絕大多數從未出土。現在,兩名前中情局探員,結合海外10年工作的技能和經驗,聯手因影集【毒梟】而爆紅的正港美國緝毒局原班人馬,一同獵尋億萬現金。這支菁英團隊打算將這些錢還給哥倫比亞人民和政府。
Pablo Escobar was the boss of the Medellin cartel. During the 70's 80's and early 90's the Medellin cartel was responsible for up to 80% of the cocaine coming into the U.S. Some believe he was worth around $100 billion U.S and it's also believed that a large amount of it has been buried in the ground in Colombia. Two ex-CIA agents and their team go on a search throughout Colombia to see what they can dig up. Whatever they're able to dig up they are rewarded with 5-10% of it.

