人生学校L'école buissonnière(2017)

又名:野外启蒙 / 野外学校 / School of Life

主演:弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet/让·斯坎德尔 Jean Scandel/埃里克·埃尔莫斯尼诺 Eric Elmosnino/弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂 François Berléand/瓦蕾丽·卡尔桑迪 Valérie Karsenti/托马·迪朗 Thomas Durand/伊洛娜·卡布雷拉 Ilona Cabrera/于尔班·康塞利埃 Urbain Cancelier/阿菲·班·巴德拉 Affif Ben Badra/洛朗·杰拉 Laurent Gerra

导演:尼古拉·瓦尼埃 编剧:热罗姆·托内尔 Jérôme Tonnerre/尼古拉·瓦尼埃 Nicolas Vanier



人生学校主演:弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet/让·斯坎德尔 Jean Scandel/埃里克·埃尔莫斯尼诺 Eric Elmosnino/弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂 François Berléand/瓦蕾丽·卡尔桑迪 Valérie Karsenti/托马·迪朗 Thomas Durand/伊洛娜·卡布雷拉 Ilona Cabrera/于尔班·康塞利埃 Urbain Cancelier/阿菲·班·巴德拉 Affif Ben Badra/洛朗·杰拉 Laurent Gerra, 一天,孤儿院找到了塞莱斯蒂娜,希望她可以收养小卡拉代克·保罗。塞莱斯蒂娜认识保罗的亲生母亲,也正是因为这个原因,她不想收养保罗。但看到了保罗在孤儿院的悲惨境况之后,她最终决定冒险收养他。她隐瞒了保罗的身份,将他带到了自己工作的庄园里生活。塞莱斯蒂娜的丈夫博雷尔是森林警察 ,他尽忠职守地守护着森林里的猎物,对偷猎者深恶痛绝,他尤其厌恶托托什。不同于博雷尔的死板保守,托托什聪明敏捷,屡次逃脱博雷尔的追捕。博雷尔明知他是有罪的偷猎者,却无奈没有证据可以将他绳之以法。保罗在塞莱斯蒂娜的安排下结实了托托什,二人成了忘年交。他跟着托托什学习森林知识和狩猎知识,童年生活变得多姿多彩起来。偶然的机会,保罗见到了庄园的主人老伯爵,由此揭开了自己身世之谜的真相……
Paris 1930. Paul always had only one and the same horizon: the high walls of the orphanage, a severe building on the outskirts of Paris. Entrusted to a cheerful lady of the countryside, Celestine and her husband, Borel, the somewhat rigid gamekeeper of a vast estate in Sologne, the child of the cities, recalcitrant and stubborn, arrives in a mysterious and worrying world, that of a sovereign and wild region. The immense forest, the misty ponds, the moors and the fields, everything here belongs to the Count of the Comte de La Salle. Fresnaye, a taciturn widower who lives alone in his mansion. The Count tolerates poachers on the estate, but Borel is relentlessly hunting them down and hounding the most cunning and elusive of them, Totoche. In the heart of the fairytale Sologne, next to the poacher, a great nature lover, Paul will learn about life but also the forest and its secrets. An even heavier secret weighs on the estate, because Paul did not come here by chance.

