
又名:三生三世宸汐缘 / Love and Destiny

主演:张震 Chen Chang/倪妮 Ni Ni/李东学 Ethan Li/张芷溪 Jessie Zhang/李嘉铭 Jiaming Li/海铃 Ling Hai/刘芊含 Qianhan Liu/张海宇 Haiyu Zhang/那广子 Guangzi Na/袁昊 Hao Yuan/王庆祥 Qingxiang Wang/黄海冰 Haibing Huang

导演:林玉芬 梁胜权 任海涛 郭虎 编剧:赵娜 Na Zhao/陈丽雯 Liwen Chen/江月华 Yuehua Jiang


宸汐缘主演:张震 Chen Chang/倪妮 Ni Ni/李东学 Ethan Li/张芷溪 Jessie Zhang/李嘉铭 Jiaming Li/海铃 Ling Hai/刘芊含 Qianhan Liu/张海宇 Haiyu Zhang/那广子 Guangzi Na/袁昊 Hao Yuan/王庆祥 Qingxiang Wang/黄海冰 Haibing Huang, 沉睡五万年的战神九宸,被地仙灵汐唤醒,牵出当年神魔大战的众多秘密。九宸因怀疑灵汐身份将其留在身边随侍,两人在相处中渐生情愫。灵汐被发现身怀魔气,可以解开魔君封印,两人感情从此命运多舛。九宸不愿枉杀,顶住压力拯救灵汐。灵汐在九宸的帮助下,历尽磨难,终获新生,并发现自己竟是山灵族公主。正当两人终将收获爱情之时,山灵界内的幽冥之门开启,魔族入侵,生灵涂炭。危难之时,九宸纵身跳入缚灵渊中以身镇魔……
After falling into sleep for thousands of years, the God of Warrior Jiu Chen was awakened by a Goddess named Ling Xi. Doubting Ling Xi's identity, Jiu Chen kept her as his maid. The two began to grow affections for each other after spending time together. Ling Xi was found to be born cursed with an ominous spirit, which may undo the spell of the Ghost Lord. This curse caused great difficulties to Jiu Chen and Ling Xi's relationship. With Jiu Chen's help, Ling Xi gained her new life as the Princess of Shanling Tribe. After all the hardships, when the two were about to harvest love, the Ghost Lord undid the spell and became free again. The world was plagued and people of all tribes suffered greatly. To ensure the peace of the world, Jiu Chen jumped into Fulingyuan to lock up all the demons.

