美丽的精神Chacun pour tous(2018)

又名:非常篮团(港) / Les beaux esprits / Team Spirit

主演:Olivier Barthélémy/让-皮埃尔·达鲁森 Jean-Pierre Darroussin/卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 Camélia Jordana/Christian Miegakanda/Liza Paturel/Fernando Rodrigues/Avant Strangel/Ahmed Sylla/Zuriel De Peslouan

导演:范尼·勒巴斯克 编剧:Vianney Lebasque/Frank Bellocq/Caroline Hermand



美丽的精神主演:Olivier Barthélémy/让-皮埃尔·达鲁森 Jean-Pierre Darroussin/卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 Camélia Jordana/Christian Miegakanda/Liza Paturel/Fernando Rodrigues/Avant Strangel/Ahmed Sylla/Zuriel De Peslouan, 21世紀轟動國際的騙案層出不窮。有收錢幫人考試的「出貓特攻隊」,亦有人假扮殘疾人士組成「非常籃團」,「勇奪」2000年悉尼殘奧籃球金牌?﹗聽來難以置信的電影橋段,竟是改編自真人真事:一名籃球教練為怕失去政府的資助,竟找來七個失業漢,與兩個殘疾運動員合組籃球隊,飛往澳洲參加殘奧。但要傷健共融,真是談何容易。由籃球場以至宿舍和更衣室,七名「假殘疾」隊員鬧出笑話連篇。憤世嫉俗的他們輕視身邊一切,卻被來自各國的殘疾運動員無比熱誠和努力所感動,學會放下偏見,齊心打好比賽。一宗國際體壇醜聞,講述的卻是人性美好的一面,令人重燃對人生的鬥志和希望。
-Martin, coach of the French team of mentally deficient basketball players, is at the foot of the wall. In preparation for the Paralympic Games, his best players have just dropped him. Refusing to lose the grant that is vital to his federation, he decides to cheat to participate at any cost in the competition. He completed his squad with valid players, including Stan and Pippo, two idle thirty. Even Julia, the psychologist of the federation, does not notice the trickery. While flying to Sydney, Martin is far from imagining the explosive mixture he has just created.

