小鬼出招Getting Even with Dad(1994)

主演:麦考利·卡尔金 Macaulay Culkin/特德·丹森 Ted Danson/格伦妮·海德利 Glenne Headly

导演:霍华德·达奇 编剧:Jim Jennewein/Tom S. Parker



小鬼出招主演:麦考利·卡尔金 Macaulay Culkin/特德·丹森 Ted Danson/格伦妮·海德利 Glenne Headly, 大雷和先前狱友三人计划窃取价值150万美金的古代金币。原本天衣无缝的妙计却临阵生变,因为大雷久未谋面的十一岁儿子提米,突然被其姑姑送回家里,使得这三个老混混顿时手足无措、不知如何是好。隔日,他们仍决定按计划进行,并顺利劫得金币带回家中藏匿。但他们诡异的举止却被精明的提米识破,私下将金币藏往别处,以此作为条件,要求其父大雷需陪伴他游玩一周,让他享受从未有过的父子亲情。大雷等三人无奈地勉强答应,并因担心被黑吃黑而互相紧密监视著...
Ray, an ex-con and widower, is planning a coin heist with two accomplices to help him to buy his own bakery. However, he doesn't expect his son Timmy, who was living with Ray's sister, to show up at the house right in the middle of planning. Timmy is ignored and Ray and his buddies pull off the heist. Timmy gets his father's attention by stealing the coins and hiding them. To get them back, his father must take him to a number of different places and treat him like he enjoys his presence. They grow fond of each other but Timmy won't stay with his dad unless he gives up the coins.

