蝙蝠血魔2Bats: Human Harvest(2007)

又名:Bats 2

主演:David Chokachi/Michael Jace/Pollyanna McIntosh/Martin Papazian

导演:Jamie Dixon 编剧:Chris Denk/Brett Merryman



蝙蝠血魔2主演:David Chokachi/Michael Jace/Pollyanna McIntosh/Martin Papazian, 当一群阿富汗的军人追捕恐怖份子途中 进入了一个迷宫似的洞穴 在这个洞穴底下有著完全不同的景观, 可怕的是一群基因突变的蝙蝠开始狂噬人肉!
Set in present day Afghanistan, the sequel centers on a group of soldiers who endeavor to capture Fazul, a fanatical terrorist who has escaped into the maze of caves underlying the landscape of the country. As the troops spelunk, they encounter one major obstacle: genetically altered bats programmed to seek out flesh and consume it.

