
又名:棉花国之星 / The Star of Cottonland


导演:辻伸一 编剧:大岛弓子



绵之国星主演:富永みーな/塩沢兼人/潘恵子, 琪比是一只徘徊在街头的可怜的流浪猫,一位名为须和野时夫的高中生收留了它将它带回了家。虽然须和的妈妈对猫咪过敏,常常会被突然蹿出的琪比吓晕过去,但善良的一家人还是无微不至的照顾着琪比。   琪比喜欢上了善良正直的须和,常常希望自己能够在月圆之夜变身成为真正的女孩子和须和走到一起。可惜,须和暗恋着名为美津子的女孩。在伤心之际,琪比遇见了黑猫拉斐尔,拉斐尔告诉琪比,她的真实身份其实是棉花之国的公主。得知自己的身世,琪比决定离家出走,踏上了寻找棉花之国的旅途,一路上,它结识了许许多多的好友,亦经历了诸多令人心惊胆战的风波。
After two-month-old kitten Chibi-neko is abandoned by her former owners, she is found by 18-year-old Tokio. Although his mother is allergic to cats and has a great fear of them, she agrees to let him keep the kitten because she fears he is becoming too withdrawn after failing his university entrance exams. Chibi-neko soon falls in love with Tokio. In her own mind, Chibi-neko is a small human who speaks in human words, although people only ever seem to hear her meow, and she believes that all humans were once kittens like her. A stray cat tells Chibi-neko of a paradise called Cottonland, where dreams can come true.


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