舞动节拍To The Beat!(2018)

主演:Laura Krystine/Brisa Lalich, Jayden Bartels

导演:Jillian Clare 编剧:Susan Bernhardt



舞动节拍主演:Laura Krystine/Brisa Lalich, Jayden Bartels, 《舞动节拍》讲述了从小就热爱舞蹈的14双胞胎姐妹花,遇上了她们最爱的明星正在招募舞蹈团队为其伴舞,从小相互扶持的姐妹却各自组建团队,开始了前所未有的竞争...
To The Beat follows 14 year old twins Mia and Mackie Castillo - dancers since they were toddlers. Beginning at just three years old, that's been their one true passion. They support each other through competitions and rehearsals, even though they dance different styles. Mia loves tap and Mackie loves jazz. When their favorite pop star launches an online contest to find the most unique dance group for his next music video, the twins each form their own team to compete for the chance to dance in the video - enlisting their friends and family to help gain online votes. Meanwhile, their arch rival and neighbor, Avery, the best dancer of all (who knows it too) uses her charm and resources to get the upper hand in the competition.

