
又名:Ode to Time / 40年

主演:陶晓清 Hsiao-ching Tao/杨弦 Hsien Yang/胡德夫 Ara Kimbo/吴楚楚 Chu-chu Wu/李宗盛 Jonathan Lee/杨祖珺 Tsu-chun Yang/李建复 Chien-fu Li/侯德健 Te-chien Hou/邰肇玫 Chao-mei Tai




四十年主演:陶晓清 Hsiao-ching Tao/杨弦 Hsien Yang/胡德夫 Ara Kimbo/吴楚楚 Chu-chu Wu/李宗盛 Jonathan Lee/杨祖珺 Tsu-chun Yang/李建复 Chien-fu Li/侯德健 Te-chien Hou/邰肇玫 Chao-mei Tai, 一九七零年代,台湾掀起年轻人自己写歌自己唱的“民歌”热潮,当年的民歌手与歌,不只反映了当时社会的精神面貌,也描绘了某一个世代青年的面貌。四十年后,歌曲仍然传唱,唱歌和听歌的人经历了四十年的光阴,都到了人生的下半场。一场四十年后重聚的演唱会,犹如降灵夜,召唤青春的记忆,与当下的生命对照、对话。不论是宝变为石的感概,还是历久弥新的激情,都在一首首大合唱的民歌裡找到归向。本片以民歌四十周年演唱会为轴心,往外辐射民歌时代的代表人物们:杨弦、胡德夫、陶晓清、吴楚楚、杨祖珺、李建复、侯德健、李宗盛、邰肇玫……此时此刻的生活实貌,以及对创作、对国族认同、对人生起落的所思所想。这是歌的故事,也是时间的故事。
After four decades, a group of veteran singers gather together again. The songs they wrote when they were young had once changed the fate of the island. However, time took away their youth and changed the island's soul. Not only a new national identity has formed but so many new music genres have emerged since then. Can the innocent songs they sang back in the old days still be related to the new era? Or could they speak for only the souls of a particular generation? On that memorable night in history, the veteran singers are re-united and sing those beautiful songs they wrote forty years ago. The unpredictability in life, the cruelty of fate and the complicated relations between Taiwan and China are gradually revealed in their singing.


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