
又名:Huanglian houpu / Beijing Herbs

主演:朱旭 Xu Zhu

导演:丁荫楠 Yinnan Ding 



黄连.厚朴主演:朱旭 Xu Zhu, 老北京四合院中,住着世代名医龚老太爷(朱旭 饰)一家。虽说儿媳于莲舫(王之夏 饰)与儿子离了婚,但碍于师徒关系他仍象以前一样对待她。一天,老爷子正在座诊,女婿任大伟带自己的老总来瞧病,把完脉,老爷子面无表情地仍出一句吓人的话:不用开药了,回去准备后事吧。张悦当年插队时就 爱着于莲舫,如今她已离婚,可张悦面临升职,不敢对妻子提离婚的事。龚晓默与于莲舫离婚后去了国外,如今带了个洋媳妇珍妮回来,龚家小院一片喜气。珍妮研究中国历史,也热爱中国文化,她敬佩于莲舫的医术,很快赢得于莲舫和女儿珠珠的好感。任大伟的老总果然死了,大家十分惊叹老爷子的眼力,纷纷讨教......
This family tale spans three generations of Chinese trying to understand and come to terms with life's changes. Middlesome relatives stir up a storm. The old and the young find themselves and their values developing and evolving, and new relationships come and go. The eldest family member, Guan, the son of a royal physician of the former Qing Dynasty, has also become a great physician who is able to predict the exact time of a patient's death. His ex-daughter-in-law, Yu, trained by him to be a physician, still stays with the family as his assistant. Her ex-husband, Jin, comes back from the USA with his new girlfriend, Jenny, a beautiful American who is doing a research on the death of Guangxu, the second last Emperor of Qing Dynasty who is Guan's father's patient. Jenny speaks fluent Mandarin, but she has a long way to go before understanding and getting accustomed to the Chinese tradition and mindset. On the other hand, Yu falls in love with her old friend who is a married man. Jin ...


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