他们有祖国У них есть Родина(1950)

又名:U nikh yest rodina

主演:Natalya Zashchipina/帕维尔·卡道奇尼科夫 Pavel Kadochnikov/Leonid Kotov

导演:亚历山大·法因齐默尔 弗拉基米尔·烈果申 编剧:Sergey Mikhalkov



他们有祖国主演:Natalya Zashchipina/帕维尔·卡道奇尼科夫 Pavel Kadochnikov/Leonid Kotov, 通过西德境内一个孤儿院,描写美帝卑鄙无耻惨无人道的将德寇侵苏战争时掳去的苏联儿童霸占,不放回苏联,要使这些孩子忘记自己的祖国,去给他们充当奴隶,经过苏联代表揭露他们的诡计,终于将这些孩子们救回祖国。
The Great Patriotic War is over, but Major Sorokin and Colonel Dobrygin still have a lot to do for their homeland. They must go to West Germany in order to find and return the children who were taken out of the Soviet Union by the Nazis and are now kept in atrocious conditions under the supervision of British intelligence. Former allies want to grow real spies out of their children.


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