强棒凯西2Casey Bats Again(1954)


导演:Jack Kinney 编剧:Dick Kinney



高傲的凯西,可怜的凯西,倒霉的凯西,在人生最关的一场比赛,错失了关键的一球,从此黯然离开人声鼎沸、车马喧嚣的棒球界。有道是塞翁失马,焉知非福,在他最为沮丧的时刻,他那美丽贤淑的妻子告诉他一个令人无比激动的喜讯:没错,凯西的妻子怀孕了!如所有未经过大风大浪的傻小子一样,凯西不知所措,傻气十足,恨不得全世界都知道这个消息。终于迎来分娩的时刻,可结果令凯西无比失落,他得了一个女儿,这也就意味着别想有一个儿子能继承他的衣钵,完成其未竟的事业。多好的妻子,之后接连为凯西生了八个孩子,但无一例外都是女孩。   不要气馁,凯西,你有机会组建史上第一支女子棒球队!
Casey is upset about having struck out his last chance at bat but his wife suggests they have a son to follow in their dad's footsteps. Eventually, a child is born but, to Casey's dismay, it's a girl, not a boy. His wife suggests they try again several more times but each time, it's still another girl. Casey is depressed but his pals tell him that in spite of everything, they still make a powerful baseball team. Casey likes the idea and accepts. However, the day of the big game, he is nervous that one of them will strike out and attempts to make the last home run himself disguised as one of his own daughters.


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