沉默的乌鸦The White Raven(1998)

主演:罗恩·西维尔 Ron Silver/乔安娜·帕库拉 Joanna Pacula/罗伊·沙伊德尔 Roy Scheider/汉恩斯·詹尼可 Hannes Jaenicke/Elizabeth Shepherd/Jan Rubes/Jack Recknitz/Doug Lennox/拉里·波恩德克斯特 Larry Poindexter/Agnieszka Wagner/Monika Switaj/Jerzy Zydkiewicz/Joanna Kasperska/Wladyslaw Byrdy/Jerry Flynn

导演:Jakub Z. Rucinski 安德鲁 史蒂文斯 编剧:Michael Blodgett



沉默的乌鸦主演:罗恩·西维尔 Ron Silver/乔安娜·帕库拉 Joanna Pacula/罗伊·沙伊德尔 Roy Scheider/汉恩斯·詹尼可 Hannes Jaenicke/Elizabeth Shepherd/Jan Rubes/Jack Recknitz/Doug Lennox/拉里·波恩德克斯特 Larry Poindexter/Agnieszka Wagner/Monika Switaj/Jerzy Zydkiewicz/Joanna Kasperska/Wladyslaw Byrdy/Jerry Flynn, 二战期间,在波兰的特雷布林卡集中营,一颗原本属于犹太富豪罗斯柴尔德家族的名为“白乌鸦”的硕大钻石神秘消失。当时集中营的德军最高指挥官施劳德战后一直被关在监狱,是仅存的几个有可能知道钻石下落的人之一,可是四十多年间他一言不发,直到最近,他觉得自己时日无多,想把钻石的秘密告诉世人,于是他选择了自由记者塔利。他给塔利传去一个纸条,上面写着欧文•科奇这个名字。欧文科奇是塔利的舅舅。在塔利的心目中,舅舅是个英雄,战争期间头部受重伤,几近痴呆。在前去会见施劳德的路上,塔利顺便去看望舅舅,却得知一个惊人消息:自己的外婆是犹太人,舅舅自然是半个犹太人,可他却帮德军干下残害犹太人的事。与此同时,另外几伙人,包括钻石的原主人,也得知施劳德想要开口说话的事。几路人马汇集到关押施劳德的城市,展开了一场钻石追逐大战。
The White Raven is a huge diamond that was used to ransom a young girl from a German concentration camp during the war. When the camp was liberated, the diamond disappeared and the camp commander was imprisoned, but not hung, as he knew the whereabouts of the White Raven. But now he is dying and will only talk to an American journalist by the name of Tully whose grandfather was a sadistic guard at the camp. With different groups looking for the Raven, Tully becomes the key as he must crack the riddle as to the location of the diamond before everyone, including Tully, is eliminated.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 El cuervo blanco[dvdrip][spanish]
