最后一击Final Cut(1998)

主演:雷·温斯顿 Ray Winstone/裘德·洛 Jude Law/珊迪·弗罗斯特 Sadie Frost/John Beckett/William Scully/Mark Burdis/派瑞·本森 Perry Benson/Lisa Marsh/雷·伯迪斯 Ray Burdis/Dominic Anciano/Charlotte Andrew/Ali Brown/Victor Bruce/Simon Chapman/Serna Cook

导演:Dominic Anciano Ray Burdis 



最后一击主演:雷·温斯顿 Ray Winstone/裘德·洛 Jude Law/珊迪·弗罗斯特 Sadie Frost/John Beckett/William Scully/Mark Burdis/派瑞·本森 Perry Benson/Lisa Marsh/雷·伯迪斯 Ray Burdis/Dominic Anciano/Charlotte Andrew/Ali Brown/Victor Bruce/Simon Chapman/Serna Cook, 十一個同樣身為成功演員的朋友聚在一起,為的是突然去逝的裘德洛,他的死亡讓他的妻子非常悲傷,她決定製作一張關於他們往日生活的光碟,並強迫大家都要參與,一同面對這段難堪的秘密,充斥著謊言和不忠、丈夫背判妻子、朋友背判朋友,狠狠地街揭開他們的保護色。但是還有更大的秘密等在後頭,漸漸地,內容慢慢導向裘德洛真正的死因,主演是他自己,而他的朋友們則是關鍵的配角...
The film opens with the cast gathering after the funeral of Jude to see a film he had been working on for two years. It turns out that the film is secret videos of all those gathered together in their most despicable moments including thievery, spousal abuse, adultery, etc. The revelations remove the masks from the so-called close friends.

