摇铃小丑Mr. Jingles(2006)


主演:James Block/John Anton/Jacob Bailey

导演:Tommy Brunswick 编剧:Tommy Brunswick



摇铃小丑主演:James Block/John Anton/Jacob Bailey, 故事的主人公被误判入狱,监狱中的非人生活,使原本善良的他逐渐变成了一个杀戮欲极强的凶徒。出狱后,他四处寻找当初曾冤枉自己的人们复仇。当得知那起案件的唯一目击证人的下落后,他出其不意的登门造访,要让对方为以往的过错而付出代价。
An innocent man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. He suffered for years in prison and finally escaped to take his revenge on the guilty, and their families. That terrifying night four families had fallen victim to this new embodiment of evil. Angie Randal is the exception to the rule. She's the only one to survive the clown named Mr. JIngles. Sadly, Angie did not escape unharmed. Having been the only witness to these unimaginable crimes, Angie was soon a ward of the state psychiatric hospital. Our story begins on the day Angie Randal moves back home, the 7th anniversary of that horrible night. She is ready to move on with her life, living with her Aunt Helen and her cousins Heidi and Dylan. But there's a certain someone who has been waiting a long time to give her his own special homecoming and finish what he started!


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