Krvavy Hugo(2000)

又名:Bloodthirsty Hugo, an Eastern


导演:Aurel Klimt 



克洛维•胡格(Stefan Capko 饰)是东部地区一个作恶多端、杀人不眨眼的强盗,他所到之处房屋被毁、血流成河,妇孺皆不能幸免。东部警方张贴通缉令,悬赏一万元大范围追捕这个强盗,却被狡猾的胡格一次次逃脱,沿途百姓仍生活在这个魔鬼的阴影之中。   某日胡格经过一个山村,偶遇青春美丽的乡村女孩。色心骤起的强盗欲行不轨,却被埋伏在一旁的追捕者乱枪射死。风光一时的嗜血胡格终于走到了生命尽头。   而他的传说是否就此结束?
The film animation technique of pixilation was used in this short comedy. The notorious criminal Bloodthirsty Hugo has broken out of prison again. He is an arsonist, has no respect for old people and absolutely no maiden in the region is safe with him on the loose. In order to catch him his pursuers set a trap with irresistible bait: a lovely maiden bending over her washing by a stream. . .

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