拳师禁恋Like it is(1998)

主演:Steve Bell/Ian Rose/Roger Daltrey

导演:Paul Oremland 



拳师禁恋主演:Steve Bell/Ian Rose/Roger Daltrey, 《拳师禁恋》是英国近年最火辣辣的同志电影。来自伦敦的唱片公司经理马特在小城黑湖搭上了英俊的拳手阿格(英国轻量级拳王史提夫比尔首现银幕之处男作),初出道的卡瑞格无法接受自己的同志身份,使这段雾情缘无疾而终。但卡瑞格对马特仍念念不忘,只身到伦敦找他,两人遂开始了一段翻天覆地的爱情。但渐渐马特靡烂的生活使纯朴的卡瑞格处处看不过眼,而伦敦又充满各种各样的诱惑--这两个来自不同世界的人的恋爱有好结果吗?
Craig is a rough kid in Blackpool, picking up cash as a bare-knuckle club fighter; he's also having a hard time accepting that he's gay. Outside a dance club, he meets Matt, a Londoner working for Kelvin, a shady but enterprising music producer. Matt's flatmate is a client, singer Paula Poptart, who's Matt's good friend but also insecure and needy as a performer. Craig comes down to London to join Matt, but this presents problems for Matt, who's had lots of blokes but never fallen in love. Matt's feelings, Kelvin's demands, Matt's dream to run a rock club, Paula's snits and jealousy, and Craig's lack of job skills combine to put Craig and Matt's relationship in jeopardy.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 Like It Is - 1998AVI
2019-05-10 Like It Is 1998
