

导演:Jano Rosebiani 编剧:Jano Rosebiani



天使的微笑主演:柯曼郝拉米/白珊柏辛/庫多賈來, 伊拉克強人海珊以生化武器針對境內庫德族人進行種族面滅絕的殺戮,受害的哈拉比亞村民既使經過五年之後,餘悸猶存。悻存者揮不去死亡的陰影,尤其是霎那間失去親人的孩童。旅居美國的庫德人迪亞利透過國際組織安排,冒險回到故鄉,負責設立一所孤兒院。面對族人的冷眼旁觀和孤兒們的不信任,迪亞利能夠為自己族人做些什麼呢?失去親人和歡笑的小女孩吉嫣,生化炸彈不只在她臉上留下無法恢復的疤痕,內心的恐懼更是無法平復。迪亞利回饋故里的滿腔熱情,在重重困難之下,漸漸冷卻,甚至失去信心。所幸吉嫣的回應,讓迪亞利發現愛與包容是重拾自信和建立孩子間互信最神奇的武器。
Five years following the infamous chemical and biological bombing of Halabja, Diyari, a Kurdish/ American good Samaritan, returns to his homeland to build an orphanage in what is left of Halabja. He meets Jiyan, a ten-year old orphan and a survivor of the chemical attack, doomed to live with a burn scar covering most of her right cheek.. A strong bond between the two ensues and later he names his orphanage after her. During the course of his stay in Halabja, Diyari meets a colorful bunch of townsfolk, many of whom remain physically and/or psychologically marked with the effects of the chemical agents. Among them is Jiyan's only living relative, Shérco, a twelve-year old who has also lost his family to the poison gas. While Shérco dreams of marrying her one day, Jiyan dreams of seeing flowers, a picture of which she finds on the back of a magazine. In addition to building the orphanage, Diyari brings a spark of hope and happiness to Shérco's and Jiyan's lives. However, this affair is ...


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